Vera is Navy's baby...at least she thinks so. |
QT run after being good at the gym |
Navy is obsessed with her big brothers. Especially Crew right now. Piggy Back rides are a daily request from Navy. |
my little eater. she will eat about anything and everything. Eating a Reuben sandwich |
I dared Wyatt to go into the Disney store with Navy and to not come out with out buying her something. FAILED!!! |
Navy's new boyfriend, Brady. These two love each other...it might be the cutest thing ever! |
this girl! I can't get enough of her!!! |
Navy Bean, Navy Naves, Old Navy, Sissy, Sassy Frass, Naves, Beans. This little girl stole all of our hearts. She honestly adds so much spunk into our family and we love it!
Navy is now 20 months old and weighs about 27 lbs.
She is getting more and more independent and talking so much lately. Today we were driving and she saw a school bus and said, "CREW!" I seriously died. She's already starting to semi potty train herself to. She's a smart one. Right when she wakes up she points down the stairs and says, "eat". She loves taking baths with her brothers and drying off with her bunny towel and then hops around the house like a bunny rabbit saying, "hop, hop, hop." Some of her favorite things to say are, d-ink (drink), sorry, plea-ase, swim, pool, park, walk, ME, one, binky, blankie, minnie, baby, gentle, dadda, mimi, mommy, and almost all her cousins name and how could I forget her first word and favorite person...Sachia.
Navy is obsessed with anything Minnie Mouse and anything super girly....dolls, makeup, jewelry, etc.
We love this little girl with all our hearts and couldn't imagine life without her. I find myself cracking up at least once a day at this silly girl and all the silly faces she makes. I love you Navy bean. You truly make our family happy.
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