In the pre-op room getting all hooked up to his IV |
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the last shot of Wyatt with two feet |
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September 25th. I don't think I will ever forget this sad day.
Wyatt had to be at Cedars Sinai hospital at 5am so we left Pasadena with my mom and Wyatt's parents about 4:15am. We arrived right on time and were told to go up to the 7th floor to check in for his surgery. As soon as we go there I could see how nervous and real this was becoming for Wyatt. Wyatt doesn't like elevators and he actually took it up to the 7th floor with all of us. I was so proud of him! He said the worst part of the day was now over...riding in the elevator. We had to be seated and wait until Wyatt was called to get check in.
As we were sitting in the cold hospital I could tell Wyatt was starting to loose it. I kept holding his hand and kissing his cheek letting him know that everything was going to be alright and how much I love him. He asked if just he and I could have a minute to ourselves. So we tried finding a room and there was no luck so we sat in the hospital hall together and had a great talk just the two of us. He expressed how strong I had to be so that we can all get through this together. He then said a prayer so that we both could be more at peace with things. What an emotional day!
They called Wyatt's name and he walked for the last time on his own two feet back into the pre-op room. I was a mess! I couldn't believe this was really happening and to my husband! These things just don't happen all the time and why to my family? About 10 minutes went by and one of the workers at the hospital said that Wyatt is wanting to see his wife and luckily I was able to be with Wyatt in the pre-op room before he went into surgery. I couldn't help the tears falling down my face. I just couldn't believe that this really was happening to my husband. I was so nervous for him and nervous for the way this was going to change his life forever. He was so strong and he knew this is what had to happen in order to be cancer free and to be able to live a long life and to see his kids grow up. I watched them wheel Wyatt into the OR room and as I walked away I fell to the ground in tears. I tried pulling myself together but couldn't for along while just knowing what was now happening to my husband. My husband will no longer have 2 feet, 10 toes or 2 full legs. I was scared for him and scared for how he would react after the surgery was over.
I am so thankful that my mom was able to be there with me so I could cry on her shoulder while he was in surgery. The thoughts that were going through my head just wouldn't stop playing over and over. I was an emotional wreck. Why did this have to happen to him? I never imagined having a handicapped husband and I'm sure Wyatt never thought he would be either. How were the boys going to react when they see him for the first time after his surgery? Why him? Why us? About 2 hours went by which seemed like eternity and Dr. Menedez came out to the waiting room and let me know that the surgery went well and that I would be able to see Wyatt soon as the anesthesia wore off a bit.
Recovery was on the 8th floor so we headed up as soon as Dr. Menedez left and waited for the phone call letting me know it was ok for me to go back and see him. I remember telling my mom how nervous I was to go back. I didn't want to see my husband in pain and I didn't ever imagine my husband with out a foot.
As soon as I walked back into the recovery room I spotted Wyatt half asleep and out of it. I walked up to him and gave him a kiss and told him how much I love him. I asked him how he felt and he said that he was in a lot of pain. He mumbled to me while still drugged, "I'm an amputee, I'm a freaking amputee." He also told me that it felt like he needed to crack his toes and asked if I could find someone to go and find his foot for him and crack them. We got the pain management team on Wyatt right away because the pain was unbearable for him. After a few hours of him still waking up and figuring out his pain level he was moved into room 7119 and was greeted by many of his loved ones. His parents, my mom, Lisa, Nicole, Tori and myself. Later that day Ty and Jevin showed up as well to show Wyatt their love. Lisa, Nicole, Tori, Jessi and Kelly spoiled him so much! They brought him a basket full of all his favorite things...Magazines, Diet Dr. Pepper, Oreos, Nash Jersey, workout clothes, oranges, chocolate, candy gram...and tons more! They really love him!! I know he felt the love and appreciated all the support.
Wyatt stayed 3 nights in the hospital and came home Friday afternoon. He was kept busy with great friends and family who visited him during his stay. Thanks to everyone who came to see him. I know it meant a lot even if he did fall asleep while you were talking to him.
A big big thanks to Kelly, my amazing sister in law, who left her 4 kids and drove down with my mom to watch Crew, Hudson and Navy for us. They loved spending time with their aunt Kelly and still talk about all the fun things they did with you. You not only watched our kids, but you cleaned our house, cooked, did our laundry over and over again and helped out with Wyatt. You were too good to us! We miss you so much already and wish you guys lived down the street from us. We love you Kelly! Thanks a million!!
Mom...Thank you so much for just being there for us. This is so hard and I couldn't have gotten through the worst part of this with out you. You are the best mom any girl could ask for. Thanks for sacrificing your time to be with our family. We love you so much and appreciate all you did for us. We are enjoying our pretty backyard everyday thanks to you!
You don't know me, and I'm not even sure how I stumbled upon your blog, but I just wanted to comment to say that I so, so admire you sharing this journey with everyone. And I love how you are so real with your emotions. I cannot imagine how hard this must be for your young family to deal with, but I can see that you will all come out stronger on the other end. Many prayers for you as you navigate this new life.
ReplyDeleteLike Stephanie, I am not sure how I came across this. It was probably through something related to USC, because like Wyatt, I go to USC. Or I will in the spring when I will start my freshman year. I had to defer my admission because I spent most of my summer in the hospital having two surgeries, the first removing my large intestine. Both our lives have been changed forever, though Wyatt's in much greater way than mine. Best of luck Wyatt and fight on! It is great and brave people like you that make me so excited to go to USC.
ReplyDeleteI love you too! It was my pleasure and privilege to spend this time with you! I wish I lived down the street too, I miss you all;) so honored to be a part of your family!