On Tuesday we met with Dr. Menedez again for another appointment to go over all of Wyatt's options one last time and to get our last few questions answered.
The appointment was at 10:15 and we were there right on time. Wyatt checked in and as he was checking in they told us that Navy wasn't allowed on the lower level where all the appointments were due to all the chemo and radiation going on. Since we were all the way in Beverly Hills I had no idea what to do with her. I thought Wyatt would just go to the appointment and I'd take Navy around LA and wait for Wyatt to be finished. But I really wanted to be there with Wyatt to show him my love and support. So I thought of two of my friends who live on the west side and gave them a call. Luckily one of them answered and willingly drove up to the hospital to get Navy and watch her until we were finished. Thank you so much Kate!! You saved our day!
While I was waiting for Kate, Wyatt was sent to X-ray to get another chest X-ray to be sure the cancer hasn't spread to his lungs. Then he was sent to the waiting area where I later met up with him waiting to be called back to be seen by Dr. Menedez. We didn't get called back into the room until about 12:15 and then the doctor didn't even come in until 1:30. They are still trying to get in the swing of things at the new hospital and all his patients got pushed back since his morning surgery was pushed back. He and all of his staff apologized over and over. It was a LONG depressing day!
Dr. Menedez came in and answered all of our questions. He stated to us again that if we want the lowest reoccurrence rate that we should go with amputation. With out hesitation Wyatt said to him, "Then lets do it." I asked him about misdiagnosis and he asked that I bring in the pathology report from Kaiser and hand deliver it the next day.
Surgery for amputation is scheduled on Tuesday September 25 at 8:30 am in Beverly Hills at Cedars Sinai Hospital. The days are going way too fast and as this day approches my stomach is in knots. I feel so bad for Wyatt and wish I could take this all away. No one should have to ever experience this.
I am still so impressed with Wyatt and his positive attitude about the whole situation. He has been such a trooper and hasn't let this get him down one bit. I pray the spirit will be with him and he may be comforted.
Thanks again to everyone who has gone out of their way to help our family during this difficult time. Everyone who has watched our children, took them to and from school, had play dates, brought us dinner, called or text to see how we are doing, cards, messages and so much more! Nothing you have done has gone un noticed! Thank you thank you! We don't know what we would do with out all of you. We feel so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful friends, family and ward members. We love you all!
8 years ago
Jenny-I can't even believe this! I am so sad for your family that you are going through this. So grateful you have good friends and family near by during this time. So why did you guys decide on amputation when chemo/radiation was just a 10% chance of having the cancer come back? I feel like I would choose that over amputation and if it did come back go for the next option. I am sure I don't understand everything the way you guys do and the research you have put in as well as the thought and prayers towards this, but I was just curious. You guys are in our prayers and thinking about you. Good luck with everything.
ReplyDeleteI think it is now starting to sink in and feel real. You know what I mean? Well we love you guys so much and have been thinking about you non stop. I wish we lived closer so we could help out :( It really is no wonder why so many people have reached out to help b/c Jenny you are always helping others! Really you are such a great friend and a wonderful sister in law too! Love you guys!
ReplyDeleteWe love you very much. I know the Lord will help you through this trial in your life. Wyatt is not only physically strong but he is also spiritually strong. We are unsure why you are going through this but I am sure there is a reason. We will be there for you during the surgery. Our prayers are always with your family. Love Nana and Papa Dannels.
ReplyDeleteWe love you very much. I know the Lord will help you through this trial in your life. Wyatt is not only physically strong but he is also spiritually strong. We are unsure why you are going through this but I am sure there is a reason. We will be there for you during the surgery. Our prayers are always with your family. Love Nana and Papa Dannels.
ReplyDeleteHow crazy this life is in where it takes us sometimes. I have a hard time understanding the "Why" a lot. There really is nothing that I can say that will help any particular feeling that you are having go away, but stay close to the Lord and lean on him as much as you possibly can. You are both strong and will be able to help others through moments like this in the future because of what you have experienced. Your faith and positivity are already doing that. You are in our constant thought and prayers.
ReplyDeleteThinking of you Wyatt & your sweet family. We will help out in any & every way we can. Love you lots!!!! Praying for the best! xoxoxo....See ya Tuesday morning :(
ReplyDeleteWe will be praying for your family even more on Tuesday. Thanks for keeping us updated Jenny. Love you! x0x0
ReplyDeleteThinking about you guys. You're in my thoughts and prayers!
ReplyDeleteI'll be thinking about all of you all day today. You have all been in our daily prayers, and will continue to be so. Much love, The Lambeth Family
ReplyDeleteI was happy to help! that cute little girl of yours was an angel. Love you guys. Sounds like things are going well. We need an update! AND Wyatt makes having one foot look easy!!