Monday, March 5, 2012

LA Zoo

 "Get ready to plug your come the flamingo's!" Crew says this every time right before we get to the Flamingo's. 
Hudson loved the Silverback

Zebras are Crew's favorite animal!

Dang Crew would not come and get in our family picture. So this is the closest we got

Nana and Papa

Little Navy was amazing at the Zoo. She slept, ate and slept some more. Navy loves being outside!

My baby Crew is turning into such a big kid it makes me sick...they grow too fast!

This boy LOVES his daddy. I can't even begin to describe how much he looks up to Wyatt. I think it's pretty dang cute!
Wyatt's parents drove over on Wednesday (for Navy's blessing this Sunday) from Arizona and spent a few days with us.
Thanks so much to Mabel and Danny for everything. You are always so helpful with our kids! We love you guys.

1 comment:

  1. how fun! You are a rockstar! I can't believe how much you get out! Love those kids of yours!
