My oldest nephew Cole and I (can't believe he is so much taller than me :) ) |
My adorable Grandma and Grandpa Kinney...love them so much! |
Hudson soaking up Folsom Lake |
swimming in the lake with cousins |
Tate, Crew and Hudson loved riding in Papas boat |
I love my boys. |
Hudson was the first one to volunteer to ski...and went the furthest! So proud of my little Hud! |
Thanks Papa for helping me learn how to ski! |
In love with these big blue eyes! |
Tori and I took our boys down to my brothers house in San Ramon and spent a few days with Kelly, Kendal, Cole, Chris and Carsyn. We went to some fun parks, a splash pad and played with cousins at their beautiful new home. |
Hudson and Stella |
what a bunch of cute cousins |
Cole, Chris and Crew |
Daddy taking a break from studying to swim with the boys |
Getting ready to do a fun trick together |
Hudson officially learned how to swim all on his own...It's so nice having both my kids swimming! |
Fun girls night out at Tia Rosa's |
After many trips passing these dinosaurs on our way to and from AZ we decided to finally stop and let the boys get their wiggles out... |
Crew and Hudson with the big T-Rex |

We had an eventful last month traveling all over it seemed like! We started off by spending a few days at the BeachHouse going to the beach and playing with cousins. Nicole, Tori, my parents and I all caravaned up to the "big house" to swim, go boating, bbq's and family fun. While we were up in northern California Tori and I took our boys to Rick and Kelly's new house in San Ramon to spend a few days with them. Back to Granite Bay for a few days and then on the 11th the boys and I were off to our house to pick up Wyatt and then we continued driving straight through to Arizona where we stayed until the 26th. In Arizona we swam, swam and swam some more...seriously no joke, at least 3-4 times a day everyday! We also made room for a couple Last Chance runs! It was great seeing and spending some time with some of our good friends. It was a long 27 days away from our home and we feel so happy to be back to our "normal" life again! Wyatt didn't go to the BeachHouse or to northern California with us because he is busy studying for dental boards. And in Arizona we didn't see him much either...he lived at the dental school from 6am-8pm every day studying away! I cannot wait until he finally takes this test and can put it behind him! Yay for Summer!!!