For the fourth of July weekend we invited our friends Tara, Wes, Scarlet and Ivy Wermuth down to my parents BeachHouse in Dana Point. We had a fabulous weekend just mostly relaxing. If we weren't relaxing we were playing games, talking, eating yummy food, or at the beach. On Saturday we met up with some more of our friends at Doheny Beach and our friend Pehrson took Crew and Hudson out surfing for their very first time. They both loved it and thought they were so BIG! (for some weird reason all of my pics from Saturday got deleted from my camera...I am still so sad about it, video to come soon.) Tara and I also went out with our friend Kate and surfed for about an hour too. We both loved it and now just may be addicted! On the fourth we watched the fireworks on the bluff by my parents house from the Dana Point Harbor. It was an incredible weekend with great friends! Happy 4th to everyone!
8 years ago
Thanks again for a great weekend!!!