We had a fun filled Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend. It was so nice to have Wyatt around for a few days. I have been collecting a ton of things in our garage for some months now so we decided to take all of our things down to the Beach House to have a garage sale. My mom, Tori and I all set stuff out to sell and all together we made $475.00, I made $200 and was so happy to get rid of my things. We also spent time at the park, and we went to the "baby beach" in Dana Point to spend the afternoon. Thanks Mom and Dad for all the yummy food and letting us crash your party. We had a blast!
Look how fun! Gosh. California looks dreamy! I just barely got your Christmas card yesterday! You had my parent's address and my mom forgot to give it to me, I guess. SUCH a cute card. I really need to be better and send some next year! Cute cute CUTE boys, Jenny.