Have you ever missed your friends so much that it makes you hurt? I think I am just sick of always being the "new people" in our ward. Have you ever taken your husband for granted? (Now...summer sales doesn't look so bad...it was kind of nice having him all to ourselves for the rest of the year!) Have you ever dreaded being home ALL day 7am-7pm with two little kiddos and without any friends close by to just stop in or go to the park with or just come over and chat? I miss my friends so much...you ALL know who you are. I think I am just having one of those days, those days where I just wish I was surrounded by all the girls who mean so much to me and who I can just be myself with. It's hard moving somewhere new and not knowing ANYONE. And having to start all over, from scratch. I know it will get better but as for now...I miss my friends! Who would have thought I would get so emotional while I am writing this...weird. I guess what even got me started on this is what happened today at the park. So this morning we woke up and I decided that I need to do something for the boys today. So we were going to head over to the LA Arboretum since it was FREE day but on my way I decided just to take them to the park. So we pull up, get out of the car and Crew immediately runs up to this little girl who was already there and just starts playing with her like she is his BEST friend. They just talked like they've known each other forever and before you know it Crew is even calling her by her name, "Betsy." It's just little moments like this one that happened today that make me wish we all could be more like little kids and just immediately be everyone's best friends and ACT like we have known each other for YEARS. Thanks Crew for being so friendly and reminding me that I need to be more like YOU! Sorry for my long, boring, rambling on post..i just MISS my friends!
"True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice."
- Samuel Johnston