Crew was a mess within 2 minutes after we got to the park...100% BOY
Hudson with his cute little girlfriend McKinlee
Bella & Madasin
Boys will be Boys.
Olivia and Crew with all the fireworks
He loved the sparklers this year
This is what Hudson did during our firework show
One of my best friends, Brittney and McKinlee
We had such a great 4th with all of our friends out here for the Summer with us. We had a BBQ at Hyland Park, while the girls chatted the boys played some football and the kids ran around and had a ball playing in the water. For the fireworks we went to this little park by our house and let them off on the bball court. It was a great day...I wish it was the 4th of July everyday!
Looks so fun! I wish we were there! So....are you guys maybe moving to UTAH? Umm... sure hope so!