Here is a little update of what our boys have been up to:
Crew just started swim lessons and is a little fish in the water. He loves the water but can also be very stubborn at times during his lessons if he doesn't want to do something. He is also in the process of being potty trained. He tells us if he needs to go potty and knows that he will be rewarded if he does with a marshmallow. I think this is going to be a long couple of weeks but will be worth it in the end. Some of Crew's favorite things to say right now: I watch DVD, go to Donald's (McDonalds), YES, NO, I like that, Cody do it, mom? Cody like that, mom? (He is obsessed with his cousin Cody...seriously obsessed!), I want Apple Juice, I want Pancakes, help momma, Papa alligator, Mimi Giraffe...
Hudson just turned 3 months old on the 13th and is still our little dream baby. He is getting more and more fun each day. He loves to smile and giggle at anyone that gives him attention. He especially likes it when his daddy sings to him. We love this little boy! (I took a short little video of Hudson laughing and talking but can't figure out how to post it...so here are some pics until I can figure this dang thing out)
So cute! I love all of Crew's sentences. Way to go on potty training. And Hudson in that Bumbo is amazing! I need to use ours. I hadn't even thought that Camryn could sit in hers but she totally could. I love that he is already laughing! Camryn is almost there and I can't wait for it! Love to see that video when you figure it out.
Swimming lessons! So FUN! Potty training is such a pain in the butt! Literally :) But soo worth it!! Hudson is getting so big... & handsomer w/every new post!
ReplyDeleteWe'd love to be with you guys this summer! But I know you'll do what's best for your family, just like we are. So just a tiny push in our direction :D cuz it'd be so fun! Love you guys!!