Wyatt had to work all of this weekend, so Crew and I decided to take a roadtrip to the BeachHouse! Crew didn't make a peep the whole drive. We had so much fun with our whole family being there. Crew got to meet his Uncle Rick, Aunt Kelly and cousins Kendal, Cole, Carsyn and Christopher for the first time. Uncle Jevin and Uncle Joe also met Crew for the first time. All of us had so much fun going to the beach, up the LA and down to San Diego to the Mathis' beautiful house. On Sunday Crew's cousin Max was blessed. What a fun and exciting time this was. We cannot wait to go back to California to see eveyone again soon...and hopefully Wyatt will be able to come with us!
8 years ago
hey my fellow blogger! crew is so stinkne cute! and you look so good!! how is everything donw in AZ??? im jealous you go to go down to CA for the weekend. im o sick of working and never getting a break to go do stuff. anyways i miss you, and i hope we can come down there sometime and see you guys.