Today I am feeling extra grateful for all three of these handsome boys in my life. It's so much fun to see how much they love each other and look out for one another. I love my boys!
Nana, Randee and Sharlie came to visit us in California so we tried to fit in the best things to do while they were here. Here are all of our pictures to prove just how much fun we had! (Sorry there are so many...)
The day they got in we took them to the Americana to show them all of the fun shops, the water show, the trolley and ate at Frida for dinner. One of the big reasons Nana & Randee came was to check out the Fabric District that I always rave about... On Saturday night we got a babysitter for all the kiddos and took on HOLLYWOOD! We walked by all the stars, saw Kodak Theater, the Chinese Theater, and even took a tour of Hollywood/Beverly Hills...and of course ended our night with a Diddy Riesse. Of course we had to hit up the beach too...Manhatten Beach that is. Monday was Randee's Birthday and the day we decided to go to Disneyland so for breakfast I made everyone blueberry mickey mouse pancakes. We had so much fun. Come back and visit us soon!!!