We are finally all settled in little Pasadena and are loving our new home and all of the fun friends we are making along the way. We have been so busy with moving, celebrating birthdays, Wyatt starting Dental School and catching up with the family. Here are just some of the fun things that have been keeping us busy lately:
When we first arrived in California, our house wasn't ready for us to move into just yet so we stayed at my parents BeachHouse for a few days and celebrated Janie girls birthday.
We made a little trip down to beautiful Coronado Island and went to the beach with my sister Lisa and her family and of course ate at Phil's BBQ.
I love this picture...he was in heaven!
This is Wyatt's newest hobby...here are some of the boys all decked out in their gear...Joe, Wyatt, Dad and Jevin
My parents helped us so much while we moved in so we decided to take a little break and head to the Dodgers game. We had phenomenal seats and a great time! We will be going to lots of Dodgers games since we live so close and the boys just love them!
We also celebrated Nicole's birthday at her house by having a yummy dinner and letting all the cousins play at the park. All my cute sisters..
A lot of the cousins, Aunt Jessi brought all the kids suckers and they were loving them...we miss you Kendal, Cole, Chris and Carsyn!
Tate, Hudson and Lucy girl
It was so much fun having Jessica and little Lucy in town...we miss them lots and wish we could see them more often. Isn't Lucy adorable?
We also made it to Disneyland AGAIN since our passes aren't blacked out anymore...Here is Crew with his favorite Monster, Sully.
Hudson and sleepy Tater..
The kiddos watching the Pixar Parade..

Our time here in California has been great so far. It is so fun living so close to family, we feel so blessed to have the opportunity to live here for at least the next 4 years. Sorry this post was so long...I had to get it all updated...from now on I should be back to normal with my blog since we are finally all settled!