It feels like just yesterday I had this little boy and now to think he is already 6 months old is crazy to me. Hudson is such a sweet little boy and always makes our family so happy with his big goofy smile. He currently weighs 18 lbs and is 29 inches long. Here is what Hudson is up to these days:
He is Rolling, Rolling & Rolling. If he sees something he wants he will find a way to get there.
He is Scooting. I am sure he will be off and crawling any day now.
He is still trying to master sitting up by himself. He is almost completely there.
He loves eating baby food. He finally likes it. He hated it at first but now he loves it.
He is cutting 2 teeth. One on the top front left and one on the bottom front right.
He is sleeping through the night. Goes down around 9:30pm and wakes up at 7:45am.
He shakes his head like he's saying, "no, no, no." It is hilarious!
We love you little Hud. You are the best little boy. We are so thankful you were sent to our family.