We went and ate at Pinnacle Peaks up in the middle of no where per my parents request and if you wear a tie in, they will cut it off and hang it from the ceiling. It was a very fun atmosphere to be in.

Just in front of the restaurant out in the Desert...literally!

Mimi sure has the touch with Crew. She can get him to calm down anytime! Crew wishes we lived closer. We love Mimi & Papa.

My mom & dad came into town this weekend to go to some Spring Training games and unfortunantly listen to Wyatt and I give talks in Sacrament meeting. Not only did we have to prepare our talks this week we also had to prepare our first primary lesson for our Valiant 9 class. We love our class, the kids are so cute. Well, we always have so much fun when my parents come and visit. Crew just can't get enough of his Mimi...she sure does spoil him.